
Podcasts give you the opportunity to scale your business, and given the exponential growth of podcasts, the form is increasingly being seen as a viable marketing platform for business. As podcast listening becomes more mainstream, you can immediately reach a new audience.

If you're a service-based business, coach or consultant, you may wish to move past seeing clients one-on-one and expand your business model, and podcasts may also help introduce your business to a new audience geographically. A well-crafted show also helps you build trust, loyalty and consumer confidence as by hosting your own podcast, customers feel closer to you and your business, and as a result, you build relationships with them. It offers branding by association.

If you have a clear sense of your brand, you can podcast with guests who share in your brand.

A few tips are to choose a topic with legs and longevity and making sure that the topic is something that will continue to interest you and listeners many episodes from now. To initially build an audience, leverage your existing social media network by promoting your show. Most importantly, book VIP guests, such as best-selling authors with new books coming out, as the timeliness of having such guests on the show mobilized interest from their fan bases.

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