
Act. There are so many people whose mouths are way ahead of their actions. You have to back up your ambition with actions. If you can't do that, then there's no point even thinking about it.
There is no alternative to hard work, commitment and hustle, because nothing worth having ever came easy. So instead of watching Game of Thrones and having House of Cards marathons on your weekend, if you really work to be where you want to, you might just get it.

One thing's for sure, if you want to be in the top 1%, you have to do what the other 99% aren't doing. If you don't want to do that, and if you're happy with where you are then that’s great. Everyone has different priorities in life at different times, do whats right for you. But if by any chance you do want to be at the top, think ten times before wasting your weekend away.

#CieraAdvisors #investmentbanking #venturecapital #corporatefinance #startups #ambition #commitment #act #hardwork