Rearview mirror wind V Shield
“In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield” - Warren Buffet
Just like in driving, risks, fear is to some extent always anticipated. Same is the case with a business, even though you don't know what's coming in the future, you can definitely learn from your mistakes. This analogy can also be interpreted in a other way, see while driving, a driver uses the rearview mirror to see the distance between him and another car and the speed at which the car is closing in on. In a positively competitive business industry, this is extremely important to remember. This is the mistake Twitter made.
When Twitter hit the market, there weren't any major competitors except Facebook then Tumblr. and the fatal flaw in their history was that for the next 5 years, Twitter did not develop their platform, did not release new features and acted complacently. Meanwhile, companies like Instagram and Snapchat stole their thunder and Twitter didn't even see them coming.
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