Value is Leverage

What's the best way to gain someone's attention and leverage that into building your brand ?

VALUE. And not just providing value, you have to be the first to do so. If you provide someone value before they expect you to, it automatically hooks them on. This might seem quite naive but offering value itself can be your USP, not much of that going around.

The reason you have to be the first person who gives value is because the first person truly has the leverage. I’m not saying you have to be the first in the world, but if you can be the first in your neighbourhood / block / building / community, you're already way ahead of everyone that isn't. Chances are you're too late to give value FIRST, but you're still not too late to START.

Stop asking, stop taking and start giving, because what you give always comes back to you.

#CieraAdvisors #investmentbanking #venturecapital #corporatefinance #startups #leverage #values #brand