Can you sell time?

Time, is by far the most priceless commodity in the 21st century. Have you ever wondered why some startups like UBER & Instagram out performed others ?

One might say that no, UBER sells a service and Instagram is just a social media platform. Well yes, they are that too, but in their essence, the reason their models were so wildly successful is that they managed to sell you time. UBER basically cuts down all the hassle and time one earlier took to book a cab. Unlike 10 years ago, you can at the touch of a button book a cab, instantly. Instagram at its core, allows a user to instantly snap, edit and share their lives with the world while it actually happens. It saves a tremendous amount of time. Ask yourself, when was the last time you got annoyed because the wifi wasn't fast enough ? Nobody wants to wait, whether its for coffee / food or cab / news.

And in this world which keeps moving forward faster than ever, if you know how to sell back time, all you need to do is act upon it.

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